
Friday, March 19

Happy to see you again, Friday!

Ok… first and foremost. I am so sorry to those that are my faithful followers, for being out of commission for a week now. It has been one of those weeks. Work well; let’s talk about more interesting things in our short time together. Play time (yea that’s what I’m calling it!) has been busy this week. Sad to say but it didn’t take long for me and <3 MY LOVE <3 to come in each evening, do a few chores, I fix supper, and he does the dishes and then we’re couch(me) and recliner(him) bound for the remainder of the evening. Some call it lazy and some call it “the norm” but we enjoy our down time tremendously!!! However, this week has been a bit more exciting than TV, Rook (via internet), Facebook, and the usual trips outside for “Luke, go to bed & quit barking.” Monday was just itself, enough said. Tuesday was Madhouse on DVR at Cori’s after work day and we found out we’re getting a GREAT deal on getting our enormous pin oak trees (times 4) cut down soon so we will actually have grass this summer in our front yard…YIPPEE! Wednesday… ok this is where it gets interesting. I left the house and forgot my wedding rings. I was only 2 houses away from our house so I turned around and went back. Coming out of the house for the 2nd time that morning, I put my car in Reverse and “IT” happened. My every morning routine was changed forever from the slow put the car in Reverse, put on my seatbelt and then reach down to grab my coffee (in an open glass inside a woozie-wine coozie) that is sitting on the spot between the cup holders, not in a cup holder because it messes up the coozie.-----The coffee cup situation itself is an ENTIRE blog full of craziness—TO BE CONTINUED!----- Coffee goes ALL OVER the passenger seat, words of stupidity are exchanged from my loud mouth to myself (that of course should not be repeated), and the car is the put in Park. Going back into the house for round #3 (#1 first time out, #2 for rings, and here we go again) to get a towel and wipes to attempt clean-up. As I’m cleaning up…. re-phrase that attempting to clean-up the mess I decide to say FORGET IT! I was saved from total disaster since my seats are a slight shade lighter (very slight) than the coffee. I get back in the car and proceed to back out of the driveway for the 3rd time. I get to work and the day is twice as long as normal. The light bulb goes off on my drive to lunch. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON! My car was extremely nasty inside and out before the coffee spill. Someone higher above was looking out for Judy (Judy is my Jeep and yes…. another full blogging day). She needed some TLC and it just took something drastic to get that for her. I’m sorry Judy; I do not intentionally neglect you when you are ever so sweet to get me all over God’s green earth! I call up Mr. Clean-Tony and he says bring it on over! After work, we head off to the big WC and drop Judy off. I hate to leave her, but it’s only one night. Thursday rolls around and the weekend is in full view! We spent the evening with <3 MY LOVE <3's grandma because his grandpa has been in the hospital having leg shints(sp?) put in. Of course we didn't leave WC without Judy though! Cleaned up Judy & Friday am went well together. No coffee was spilt (is that a word?!) and I survived the day and the week! Some weeks are just crazy and full of those "just keep that to yourself Brooke" moments and this was most definitely one of them. I hope this finds everyone doing well. Off for playtime-filled weekend, lots of sunshine, and baby dedication for Miss Lyla on Sunday.

WOW! Where did my blogging time go? I've been writing for awhile now and nothing gushy for you guys. I'm sorry for the boring disappoint of Happy Friday but the explanation of my week should give you a hint of what my blog COULD have been about! Await next week's blog... BIG THINGS TO COME (I hope!)

Hello weekend, I missed you!