
Thursday, March 25


Ok… so of course you know this was sparked by a previous conversation about fashion and what you do and do not wear. If you do not remember being scarred by wearing a onesie at any other age than the baby/toddler age (and toddler is pushing it) than you were spared-be thankful! Grown ups are more than capable of tucking in a shirt (even though there are select times when this is appropriate) when it is necessary, that whoever invented such a thing as a “grown-up onesie” should have been beat! I feel like “grown-up onesie’s” fall into the same category as socks with sandals, pants so short they show your ankles, tucking shirts in without a belt, white shoes before Easter & after Labor day, ribbon bows on your ponytail (unless you are a cheerleader, then maybe it’s ok), stirrup stretch pants, 200+ lbs wearing skinny leg (emphasis on the word skinny) jeans and the list could go on for days.

I am not claiming to be the “World’s Best Dressed” but I feel like I most definitely don’t fall into the above categories. If you have within the past 5 years done one of the above NO-NO’s, feel free to confess your sins immediately and swear to never again!

Oh yeah, you didn’t think I forgot what today is did you?????

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! On March 25th, 25 years ago the world was FOREVER changed, and of course for the better

Thanks for the birthday wishes, you guys are the greatest!


Anne Hodges said...

Brooke, what sensational thoughts stated in your rare, personal, and touching style!! Loved it and do confess--had a couple of onesies in my 30's--been gone for a couple of decades--never comfortable for Bathroom usage!! Great points and HAPPY B'DAY!! Luv, ACH