So much is going on; I do not even have a clue where to being...
Spring has sprung and the crazies have sprung as well--short shorts, nasty toes, and so much more. The weather is turning warmer and people can't wait to show some skin. Most of us women have been attempting to crash-diet (or if you are like me your brain has been telling you to more so than actually doing it) before bathing suit weather. I can only imagine what kind of crazies I will add to the laundry list this Saturday at the first race of the season at Bowman Gray. I'm sure many will have on "not enough" clothes, hefty sized woman will have their "need to stay in hiding" tat-tat's falling out, men will have their beer bellies and/or butt cracks showing, someone with a baby on their hip will be hanging over the wall flicking someone off, and not just one good fight will break out. If you can hardly stand to wait, join the rest of us fellow stadium go-ers this Saturday at the "Madhouse." No... Nothing has changed; I will not pull for Jr Miller this year or ever for that matter. Burt & Jason Myers all the way--hometown boys as <3 MY LOVE <3 says. Tim Brown is still going to be the stadium crybaby, Jr is going to "opps-I didn't see them sitting there" wreck somebody, and well the "Show Stopper" will probably at least one time stop the show with a caution. JOIN US... PLEASE!!!
I've been a funk lately. I feel like I could almost want to be sad or depressed at random times, with ABSOLUTELY no good reason for it. I think I'm on the verge of starting my second year of marriage, and the "what will we do next" questions are kicking in. We have plans to start working on turning a bedroom (ours right now) into a master bath and walk-in closet. Our house is a little older and we have a "formal" living room on the front of the house. It now sits completely empty so it will be our bedroom (because it's pretty good size) and the room beside it (our bedroom now) is going to be the "new-ness" of a master bath and closet. Ok… I'm sure you are all royally confused now but that is just one of the many things coming up that adds to the list of many things I have to be thankful for. I have no reason to be in a funk, but it seems like when you get into the daily routine of the "same ol same ol" -- you are eager for that hectic schedule that you complained about while it was the daily routine. I have so many wonderful people in my life to be thankful for, so many material things to be thankful for, the list goes on and on. Thank you for all of those that stick by me through thick and thin, good and bad; you all NEVER let me down.
With that being said, I have to take a minute to be thankful for the pleasure of having our family dog, Bandit, for 14+ years. He has been through so much; he lived his life to the fullest for sure. He survived the neighbors dog attacking him in our own yard, he barely escaped me hitting him the driveway, he managed to live with 3 teenage girls, he has lived with seizures(medicine to keep from having them) for 2 years or more and so much more. His time has come and as hard it will be we are losing him this week. He has given his unforgiving, unconditional love and that is something that can never be replaced but will surely NEVER be forgotten. Dad, it’s officially your turn to take care of Bandit once again, ENJOY! We love you Bandit and we all will miss you dearly :(
(Mom will too I promise, even if she will actually get to sleep all night now)
Another side note of those I have to be thankful for. May 2nd, has rolled around for the year 2010 and this year I am the complete opposite from what was going on this time last year. Last year, it was more like make this-pack a little here-schedule this-pack a little here-keep every one the same page-rush rush rush then wait! The day turned out to be MARVELOUS (mostly because of the great mother that I have) and it was most definitely one that I will always remember. I hope that we can always spark those similar flames we had for each other on that special day… we’ll see! I found a quote that I absolutely LOVE… “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” It is SO true and it always brings me back to the basics for the true love I have for my better half. He has been there for me and it’s like he was truly “heaven sent” just for me. For those that know me well, you know he has my number! THANK YOU for the best first year of many more wonderful ones to come <3 MY LOVE <3
Wednesday, April 21
Thursday, April 15
As warmer weather approaches..... "I DON'T THINK SO SHUGA!"
Upon request from a faithful reader... (by the way I LOVE FEEDBACK & topic suggestions) here it is:
Spring has sprung and so have the loonies! No I am not the fashion queen, the maker of all wrongs and rights, but yes I am a female (with some decency and a normal male husband) and situations and other "stuff" has started showing it's presence, as it always does this time of year. I'm sure most women will agree once you read the list that these situation and this "stuff" deserves a huge "I do not think so shuga!"
Oh my, where should I start?!?
Spring/Summer "I do not think so shuga" moments:
*** TOES: Paint them, pamper them, or else do not SHOW them!
--It is imperative to give you feet some TLC before breaking out the sandals. If you just have absolutely NO time but are dying to wear the flops, ask yourself: "Would I show someone my feet today?" If the answer is no, make yourself 5 minutes late and slap some polish on those unseen for 5 month toes, please for everyone elses sake.
*** TANK TOPS: Wear a strapless bra, but NEVER go braless!
--We all love to run free, but the world doesn't care to see what gravity has done for us, I PROMISE! Don't even try for the built-in bra tank tops. These do not look appealing to others, nor do they do ANYTHING for your appearance. Check the pits; yellow, crusty, deo-stained....DITCH THEM! If you are going to splurge for the spaghetti strap tank top, make sure you don't show bra straps & if completely necessary spring for a bra that could easily be mistaken for another tank top.
*** SHORTS: Try the model strut one time, if you reach for the wedgie---TOO SHORT!
--Ok, guilty as most for wearing "short shorts" BUT lets all wise up together and give them up. There is NO fun in wedgie hunting every step of the day. Odds are good that they will show WAY TOO much when you sit down and your shorts should never be mistaken for undies. Long shorts are in so try them out, you will be surprised by how nice they can look. Men (and you are lying if you say they won't) will look if you are worth looking at, cheeks hanging out or NOT!
*** DRESSES: Super cute dresses are appropriate, but NOT all of the time
--Sun dresses are too cute for the right occasion. Just because you got the cutest dress EVER and you're dying to wear doesn't mean every summer outing should see them. Sun dresses and long dresses should be worn at the appropriate times ONLY. Your job to the female race is to determine just that. Ask around, us women share info way too often not to give you a good idea of when the timing is right. You never want to ride the fence on "cute dress, too short." The fact that the dress is too short will ALWAYS out number how cute your dress really is.
*** SWIMSUITS: Try last years new purchase on, does it fit & look the same?
--Just because you bought a new swimsuit last year, doesn't make it this year's latest & greatest. Try it own and ask yourself #1-Does it fit right, is "under-cleavage" falling out, is more of my butt showing than covered? and if you answer yes to either, ditch it immediately. If you pass #1, ask yourself #2-Does it have the same snap, crackle, & pop like it did last year? If the color is fading, rhinestones falling off, elastic slightly stretched... ditch it immediately. We all waste $$$ on stuff and in this case it will not be going to waste to keep the whispers off of you at the pool or lake this summer.
*** SHOES & SANDALS: If they look like they came over on Noah's ark, let them RIP!
--Sandals and flip flops can be farely inexpensive to replace in certain cases. Rainbows are pricing, but you can't beat leather flops that can beat the odds at the go-kart track, fish pond, and with stand almost anything. Keep in mind that rubber flops are great for pools, yardwork, but NEVER work. Dress flops and/or nicely kept Rainbows at the least, but never rubber flops at the office.
*** MAKEUP: Save yourself some time each morning, don't use as much!
--Not that anyone needs to wear 5 gallons (ha ha-couldn't resist) at any given time, but most definitely lightened up the load in the warm months. Let the sun kiss your face that tan-ish color and save yourself some $$$ on the foundation. Not all but some foundations have a SPF and the more you wear the more coverage you have from the -free- Vitamin D of a foundation. Yes, SPF is good for your skin and especially on your face, but try using some actual sunscreen in the most vulnerable places rather than caking on the foundation. You will feel better and look better, believe me I know!
*** WHITE CLOTHING: Wear them wisely!
--We all think whites look nice and me personally-usually on others rather than myself. When worn properly they can look very casual and dressy all at the same time. White shirts-no white bras PLEASE. Try a skin tone bra that will most likely not even show through the shirt. White pants-never go without undies and never wear colors especially dark. White pants/shorts/skirts are to be worn in certain ways. Try wearing a shirt that will cover and take away from the backside. This will take the focus off of you having on a transparent (most of the time) color and put the focus on "wow, that looks great" on her!
Ok ladies this list could go on and on, and I'm sure I probably left off some critical things. However, this will give a few people some hints on "Do I do that?" and maybe save me the breath (and need to ask for forgiveness for being ugly) from giving them a "I don't think so shuga" whisper this summer! (P.S. I'll take the blame for this one, but I'm sure I am not the only one guilty of these thoughts!)
Spring has sprung and so have the loonies! No I am not the fashion queen, the maker of all wrongs and rights, but yes I am a female (with some decency and a normal male husband) and situations and other "stuff" has started showing it's presence, as it always does this time of year. I'm sure most women will agree once you read the list that these situation and this "stuff" deserves a huge "I do not think so shuga!"
Oh my, where should I start?!?
Spring/Summer "I do not think so shuga" moments:
*** TOES: Paint them, pamper them, or else do not SHOW them!
--It is imperative to give you feet some TLC before breaking out the sandals. If you just have absolutely NO time but are dying to wear the flops, ask yourself: "Would I show someone my feet today?" If the answer is no, make yourself 5 minutes late and slap some polish on those unseen for 5 month toes, please for everyone elses sake.
*** TANK TOPS: Wear a strapless bra, but NEVER go braless!
--We all love to run free, but the world doesn't care to see what gravity has done for us, I PROMISE! Don't even try for the built-in bra tank tops. These do not look appealing to others, nor do they do ANYTHING for your appearance. Check the pits; yellow, crusty, deo-stained....DITCH THEM! If you are going to splurge for the spaghetti strap tank top, make sure you don't show bra straps & if completely necessary spring for a bra that could easily be mistaken for another tank top.
*** SHORTS: Try the model strut one time, if you reach for the wedgie---TOO SHORT!
--Ok, guilty as most for wearing "short shorts" BUT lets all wise up together and give them up. There is NO fun in wedgie hunting every step of the day. Odds are good that they will show WAY TOO much when you sit down and your shorts should never be mistaken for undies. Long shorts are in so try them out, you will be surprised by how nice they can look. Men (and you are lying if you say they won't) will look if you are worth looking at, cheeks hanging out or NOT!
*** DRESSES: Super cute dresses are appropriate, but NOT all of the time
--Sun dresses are too cute for the right occasion. Just because you got the cutest dress EVER and you're dying to wear doesn't mean every summer outing should see them. Sun dresses and long dresses should be worn at the appropriate times ONLY. Your job to the female race is to determine just that. Ask around, us women share info way too often not to give you a good idea of when the timing is right. You never want to ride the fence on "cute dress, too short." The fact that the dress is too short will ALWAYS out number how cute your dress really is.
*** SWIMSUITS: Try last years new purchase on, does it fit & look the same?
--Just because you bought a new swimsuit last year, doesn't make it this year's latest & greatest. Try it own and ask yourself #1-Does it fit right, is "under-cleavage" falling out, is more of my butt showing than covered? and if you answer yes to either, ditch it immediately. If you pass #1, ask yourself #2-Does it have the same snap, crackle, & pop like it did last year? If the color is fading, rhinestones falling off, elastic slightly stretched... ditch it immediately. We all waste $$$ on stuff and in this case it will not be going to waste to keep the whispers off of you at the pool or lake this summer.
*** SHOES & SANDALS: If they look like they came over on Noah's ark, let them RIP!
--Sandals and flip flops can be farely inexpensive to replace in certain cases. Rainbows are pricing, but you can't beat leather flops that can beat the odds at the go-kart track, fish pond, and with stand almost anything. Keep in mind that rubber flops are great for pools, yardwork, but NEVER work. Dress flops and/or nicely kept Rainbows at the least, but never rubber flops at the office.
*** MAKEUP: Save yourself some time each morning, don't use as much!
--Not that anyone needs to wear 5 gallons (ha ha-couldn't resist) at any given time, but most definitely lightened up the load in the warm months. Let the sun kiss your face that tan-ish color and save yourself some $$$ on the foundation. Not all but some foundations have a SPF and the more you wear the more coverage you have from the -free- Vitamin D of a foundation. Yes, SPF is good for your skin and especially on your face, but try using some actual sunscreen in the most vulnerable places rather than caking on the foundation. You will feel better and look better, believe me I know!
*** WHITE CLOTHING: Wear them wisely!
--We all think whites look nice and me personally-usually on others rather than myself. When worn properly they can look very casual and dressy all at the same time. White shirts-no white bras PLEASE. Try a skin tone bra that will most likely not even show through the shirt. White pants-never go without undies and never wear colors especially dark. White pants/shorts/skirts are to be worn in certain ways. Try wearing a shirt that will cover and take away from the backside. This will take the focus off of you having on a transparent (most of the time) color and put the focus on "wow, that looks great" on her!
Ok ladies this list could go on and on, and I'm sure I probably left off some critical things. However, this will give a few people some hints on "Do I do that?" and maybe save me the breath (and need to ask for forgiveness for being ugly) from giving them a "I don't think so shuga" whisper this summer! (P.S. I'll take the blame for this one, but I'm sure I am not the only one guilty of these thoughts!)
Thursday, April 8
Ok ladies here it is, the greatest salon grade, fast drying, easy-on, smooth drying FINGERNAIL POLISH!
I've always enjoying being a girlie girl every now and then and anyone that has ever had their nails painted or done knows that it sparks a "I'm sassy, look at me" feeling deep down! Sally Hansen's Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen has my vote all the way. Ok here's the specifics: (pros & cons)
1.) Goes on smooth and clean.
2.) Dries fast... like 10 minutes or less fast!
3.) No dipping and whipping excess, simply shake & pump to your heart's content
4.) Lasts (with no chips) for at least 2 days--going on day #3!
5.) About the size of lip gloss tube, easy to carry ANYWHERE
1.) $8.30~ EACH
2.) Thinner than normal polish with one coat
3.) Hmmmmm... sorry I can't seem to find anything else wrong so far:)
Call me girly, call me prissy, call me whatever you want but these nails look HOT! Even after paying a few dollars more than the norm for fingernail polish, you can't beat fast & great looking unless you have it done professionally!
Check em' out ladies!

***Excuse the fat, crooked fingers***
I've always enjoying being a girlie girl every now and then and anyone that has ever had their nails painted or done knows that it sparks a "I'm sassy, look at me" feeling deep down! Sally Hansen's Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen has my vote all the way. Ok here's the specifics: (pros & cons)
1.) Goes on smooth and clean.
2.) Dries fast... like 10 minutes or less fast!
3.) No dipping and whipping excess, simply shake & pump to your heart's content
4.) Lasts (with no chips) for at least 2 days--going on day #3!
5.) About the size of lip gloss tube, easy to carry ANYWHERE
1.) $8.30~ EACH
2.) Thinner than normal polish with one coat
3.) Hmmmmm... sorry I can't seem to find anything else wrong so far:)
Call me girly, call me prissy, call me whatever you want but these nails look HOT! Even after paying a few dollars more than the norm for fingernail polish, you can't beat fast & great looking unless you have it done professionally!
Check em' out ladies!

***Excuse the fat, crooked fingers***