
Wednesday, August 4

HOLY COW.... Two days in a row--watch out!

I know... two days in a row is probably a record for me. I have missed this place. It's a great release for me to say whatever I feel without having to tip toe around (because you all know I am the evil step-sister type that is self-centered and out to get everybody I come in contact with—(Not really but unfortunately some think so). <------ Way too deep for today’s topic!

I often catch myself saying funny sayings or making mental notes of funny sayings that I hear. I try my dangdest (I know this isn’t a real word, but this is my house people!) to remember them to use at a later date when the timing is right. I hope this brings an out-loud giggle to all who read this!

*Nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs

*Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit

*He’s as country as a corn flake

*I ain’t got no dog in this fight

*You stirred up the hornets nest and I’m the one that got stung

*I would rather jump off a ten foot ladder into a five gallon bucket full of porcupines

*If you want fire, you can sure get it just set off the firecracker

*I used to be scared too until I turned 10

*You can catch a lot more flies with honey rather than vinegar

*Take a number because you can't be the first to do it, but you sure can be the next to try

*Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in

*If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

*When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty

Tuesday, August 3

Yes... I'm still alive & kicking!

Where oh where do I begin?

I know you wonderful and faithful readers have greatly missed my sarcastic self during my recent absent. I love all of the emails, calls, cards, and flowers… or I would have if I received any, I guess I wasn’t missed to terribly bad:(

July has seriously come and gone and I couldn’t begin to tell you what all happened in those 31 days! Our family beach trip went great! It was wonderful to get away from the real world and be in the vacation time zone. Vacation time zone = no schedule, no bedtime, adult beverages at any time of the day, and spending 24hours a day with <3MY LOVE<3. The boys and Miss Priss bring so much sunshine to my heart; I can’t imagine life without them. While at the beach, we had a chance to visit the greatest show on Earth, along with some of the greatest food on Earth… The Dixie Stampede! If you had small children, they would love the show and if you have a group of adults, they would love the food! Vacation was not complete when we got home from our week at the beach. This past weekend, the Warren women (Mom, Cori, Ann, Lyla and myself) ventured to the coast for Ms Amy Pitts (now Pope)’s wedding---YAY! The weekend itself was an adventure as you can imagine because anything that involves 5 women in one car for a 4 hour trip is going to be NOTHING short of [disaster] organized chaos! Our first night Southport was shared with a room of ants… no need to ask that night was free of charge. The second night was filled with love and laughter as we shared Amy & Rand’s special day with them. Amy looked beautiful and everything seemed to turn out just as they planned. It was kind of ironic because during their ceremony that was overlooking the waterway in Southport; an airplane flew by dragging a banner that said “Shelley, Will you marry me? Seth” How cool! Two hearts are joining together forever, becoming husband and wife and two more hearts are entering the pre-marriage phase to be together forever. It was very sweet.

Ok so you know your greatest source of true honesty is still alive and kicking, let’s get to the good stuff!

Of course as most of you know (and are probably guilty yourself) I condone the world of Facebook. I frequent Facebook to see the crazy things people share with the world, or just to see how everyone is growing up and old! This brings me to something I often see and can hardly bare not to die laughing when I read. “Going to take a shower, then to the grocery store, then to see my baby and back home for the night.” SERIOUSLY people, status updates do NOT have to include toilet breaks and small details of your private life. I am a very open person, with a small amount of modesty but we really do not care to know where we can find you every second of every day. If you ask my husband, he would tell you I check Facebook quite often, but for anyone that is friends with me on there, you know that I do not post daily minute by minute details on my page. The world of Facebook is being taken to new levels; some can be silently detrimental to your job or privacy. If you do not already have your Facebook blocked to the public, or personal information hidden, it might be worth a second thought (just my opinion, take it or leave it). Now to my top Facebook secrets that some of you may or may not know! Your wall, let’s start there. Under the privacy settings, you can pick and choose down to each friend that you would like to see/or not see your wall. This is SUPER and most definitely something I use often. (I’m sorry for those that read this and realize that you fall into that category, but my personal life is just that-personal and there are some things I wish to keep for myself). Under account settings, you can pick and choose what information will show to the public. Keep in mind that your email, relationship status, job information and even your phone number could show up here. Lock this area down too unless you want the world to know your life details. The same settings you can use for your privacy settings can be used for your pictures. This is SUPER DUPER because you can post pictures that you don’t want to share with everybody but just a few of your friends.

Moral of this rant and rave: We do not care if you have a stomach bug (must not be too bad if you aren’t in the bathroom right now), if you burned 998 calories at the gym (show us, don’t tell us), if you are out of town but miss your boo (thanks I’ll make sure to do a drive-by of your empty house), if you are ready to get off work (duh everybody is by mid-afternoon M-F),or if you have soooo much to do (then get off of Facebook). Use Facebook as your social network to keep in touch with your old high school friends, distant relatives, or whoever but keep the daily details for small talk with your husband!