
Monday, February 14

"I have all I need at home!"

I was delivered the best Valentine's present on last Thursday. <3MY LOVE<3 and I were having the same discussion many others probably had last week... "What do you want for Valentine's day?" I was asking the questions this particular night (only because my present had already been purchased---a new pocketbook) and I received the response that is one I will NEVER forget. <3MY LOVE<3 responded to my question with just that: "I have all I need at home, I don't need a thing. I have a warm place to sleep, clothes and food to eat, and I come home to you every day, that's enough." OMG! Yes, this is a true story, just ask him yourself if you have doubts. This man that I married almost 2 years ago, that is rarely the romantic, sappy lover boy has professed his unending love to me-- face to face even after two years of marriage to me!!!

Yes, ladies... EAT YOUR HEART OUT! If you have this kind of love you truly have a special gift that is not found in ANY store.

I LOVE YOU SWEETIE! You have given me all I truly need as well.

Thursday, February 3

Mind your own bees wax!

Yes, I said mind your own bees wax. What is the world coming to that we all can’t live our own lives, tend to our responsibilities, you feed your dogs & I’ll feed mine kind of stuff? If you have enough time to worry about what others are doing then you should most likely take a glance in the mirror, you may find your own flaws are more noticeable than you thought. I know I am no saint myself but as I mature I try to think twice before judging others, before pointing out someone else’s honest mistakes. I’ve heard it said before that someone who is always quick to point out someone else’s mistakes is trying to take attention off of their own. Our world is such a nosey place. If your neighbor has a different car in the driveway one day it makes you wonder, who is it? Why do we honestly care what other people have going on when it’s truly none of our bees wax to begin with?? If you choose to engage in adult activities (perfectly good example: having drinks with friend) then you should be able to without having someone criticize you for it. I know my husband says it ALL the time that Facebook is the devil and it has blown up so many situations since it came about. But that’s because of the way certain people have chosen to make it. For those of us that enjoy keeping up with family and friends that we wouldn’t normally have daily contact with, it’s not the devil. For the people that thrive off the next thing somebody post, pick up the phone and say OMG! Guess what they just posted! (Yes, I am not completely innocent myself, but I try to save those moments for the good gossip!) It’s turned into breeding grounds for trouble for some people and it’s killed the entire of idea of people wanting to stay in touch or reconnect with old friends. I have voiced my opinions before and you all know that I love being JUST ME. I don’t want anyone to be like me especially when I strive to be oppositely different from others. (Mom-I think oppositely is truly a word.) If you can’t live your life the way you want to without fearing how someone else will evaluate your every move than there’s really something wrong with our lifestyles.

Moral of the story: Live you life to the fullest. Make yourself happy and think twice before you call someone else out unless you find that you yourself are perfect. (And if that’s the case, WAKE UP because you are definitely dreaming!!!)

Note: (It’s your own personal choice to read my blog so if you do not like, don’t come back-no sleep lost here.)