
Thursday, April 21

Good-bye First Trimester!

The cat is out of the bag now especially since “As the Facebook World Turns” knows about it. We are having a baby!!! It has been a long first few weeks, but I am excited to be able to say the first trimester is officially over! There’s so much to say when I begin to think about the excitement, nerves, and everything else that goes along with bringing a child into this world. The next 6 months will be a roller coaster like no other but we are ready. And yes, I can say that with confidence that WE are ready, not just me. <3MY LOVE<3 and I are both ready to be parents (or as far as know we think we are!), and to experience the love that is like no other. I’m sure there will be many restless nights to come, more mornings of sickness before it’s over and many more unknown obstacles. It will be the ride of our lives and one that we will hopefully look back on years down the road and say who would have known.

When you share such a secret with loved ones, friends, and co-workers and so forth, you get the dictionary of emotions, looks, and questions. From my mother, “What did you say?” From my sister, “Are you kidding?” From my in-laws, “We’re going to be grandparents!” But from others, you can keep your true feelings to yourself. One of the worst remarks was from a single (and childless), middle aged man. He very bluntly said, “I don’t know why anyone would want to bring a child into this world the way the times are now.” That was one of the many times that I had to restrain from letting my crazy, raging hormones ring his neck. But until you experience the feeling of knowing you are going to be someone’s parent, caretaker, provider, and possibly their hero, you can’t expect a lazy, single, grumpy, old man to understand anything you are going through! What was I thinking, he wasn’t even worthy of hearing our great news!

So here is the official news flash on my blog. I’m not promising to be more prompt on here because it never happens unfortunately. But I can give you this, I’ll try!

Until next time, bring on the food!