Where did you learn how to drive?I learned from my dad and I think I'm dang good at it! No 2 cents from the peanut gallery please! I can drive circles around anybody, ok... well I like to think I can. I could drive a straight drive at the age of 15-like a pro, can back in a parking spot better than pull into one, and can back a trailer BETTER than my husband! You know this most definitely means I'm a great driver-HA! HA!
I'm sure you are all wondering what sparked this topic. Try driving 35 minutes (15-20 down Hwy 52) in the morning and evening work traffic. You know the song and dance, EVERYBODY has somewhere to be that is way more important than the person in front of you. Taking the same drive for almost a year now, I have learned quite a bit! Take notes:
1.) Merge to the left lane as soon as safely possible- the right lane is for those getting on and off of the highway-DUH!
2.) If you choose to take the "left lane all the way" approach, you are expected to do
at least 5 mph over the speed limit!
3.) When you merge onto the highway, the tractor trailer in the right lane will most likely NOT move over for you and you need to be patient enough to slow down and slide in behind them. (Thanks for the tip Sweetie, it has helped!)
4.) Horns are to be used with caution. It was put there to use, but not every 2 miles. Sometimes the urge to use it can be calmed by just pretending to hit the horn.(Learned from pure experience)
5.) If you cut someone off, you deserve the finger. If they cut you off, then you don't deserve the finger. (This one is for the 50+ yr old man on 52)
6.) If you know the right lane will merge you onto Hwy 52, don't think by waiting until the last second to get over anybody owes you real estate there. Get over before the last second like the rest of us, you knew that beforehand! (Don't tell me you're dressed in work clothes & go a different way every morning--Liberty St right-hand lane for at least 1 yr+ now merges onto 52)
7.) Most important... BE CAUTIOUS & SAFE! If you don't make it to your destination, crazy driving wasn't worth it.
So, now that you have learned from the best get out there & drive like the
Daddy, you know I learned from the best!