Ok… so of course you know this was sparked by a previous conversation about fashion and what you do and do not wear. If you do not remember being scarred by wearing a onesie at any other age than the baby/toddler age (and toddler is pushing it) than you were spared-be thankful! Grown ups are more than capable of tucking in a shirt (even though there are select times when this is appropriate) when it is necessary, that whoever invented such a thing as a “grown-up onesie” should have been beat! I feel like “grown-up onesie’s” fall into the same category as socks with sandals, pants so short they show your ankles, tucking shirts in without a belt, white shoes before Easter & after Labor day, ribbon bows on your ponytail (unless you are a cheerleader, then maybe it’s ok), stirrup stretch pants, 200+ lbs wearing skinny leg (emphasis on the word skinny) jeans and the list could go on for days.

I am not claiming to be the “World’s Best Dressed” but I feel like I most definitely don’t fall into the above categories. If you have within the past 5 years done one of the above NO-NO’s, feel free to confess your sins immediately and swear to never again!
Oh yeah, you didn’t think I forgot what today is did you?????
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! On March 25th, 25 years ago the world was FOREVER changed, and of course for the better
Thanks for the birthday wishes, you guys are the greatest!
Brooke, what sensational thoughts stated in your rare, personal, and touching style!! Loved it and do confess--had a couple of onesies in my 30's--been gone for a couple of decades--never comfortable for Bathroom usage!! Great points and HAPPY B'DAY!! Luv, ACH
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