Like me or not it, everybody will tell you that with me there is no secret alter ego hiding deep inside waiting to pounce on you at any given time, you see what you get from the very beginning. I know from experience that this behavior has not always turned out to be the best approach to all situations, but the majority of the time it prevails. Ask me a question and I will tell you the answer, the truth, my opinion, whatever you want to call it but you will get what you were looking for. If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have asked me to begin with because you are going to get the truthful answer, like or not. The world has turned into so many people trying to please other people that get so far away from their own views in efforts to please someone else. How can you truly make yourself happy if you are always trying to please others? Truthfully, some would say that if you are pleasing others you yourself should be happy, however, that isn’t always easy to swallow, at least for me anyways. Much easier to swallow is the statement “if you want to be happy you have to make yourself happy, not depend on someone else,” however, that’s on the fence of sounding selfishness. If we all sing the truth more often then everyone would be much happier. I’m not telling you a lie people, coming from someone who knows the great feeling of well here it is, the honest truth.
Moral of the story: Be yourself, the real you. If you’re true to yourself and your opinions, people will appreciate the person you are because they will always know what to expect.
On a lighter note…. A sad day is approaching on Jan. 24th. A baby boy, born 10 weeks early (scaring us all half to death)… weighing only a small 3 lbs when he was born… has brought so much enjoyment to our family… TURNS 5 YEARS OLD!!!!! The past 5 years has flown by and it makes me so sad to know he is growing up so fast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY (BIG) BOY, WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!