Since we were last together, life has handed <3MY LOVE<3 and me some life changes to deal with. November started off slow bringing in the Holiday season. It’s not a time <3MY LOVE<3 likes to remember because he lost his Gran Nancy at the beginning of November just a year ago. He loved her dearly and she is truly missed. As we began to prepare for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season to roll in to town, he was struck again with bad news. His Nannie was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized for two weeks. On Sunday night before Thanksgiving, we received a phone call from <3MY LOVE<3’s father that they found his Papa had passed away. <3MY LOVE<3, well to be honest; will forever be saddened with the loss of his Papa. I have truly dreaded that day as long as we have been together. His Papa was a great man and has been his best friend and role model all of his life. 2010 Thanksgiving was a sad one to say the least with the loss of his Papa and his Nannie being in the hospital during such a time.
December had to bring more happiness than November and it ended up that it did. One week before Christmas, <3MY LOVE<3 tells me that his dad is getting a puppy, a miniature dachshund to be exact, just the exact same kind of dog that I have been wanting for quite some time lately. The story is rather comical now, but within 20-30 minutes of me finding out his dad was getting something near to my heart, <3MY LOVE<3 was making arrangements to pick up my Christmas present, the brother to their dog. I was happier than a kid in a candy story! It was on a Monday, and to say that the week crawled by is an understatement. On the Friday before Christmas, we left straight from work to pick up our Cooper! Our lives truly have not been the same since we picked him that afternoon. It’s amazing how much a puppy compares to a baby. We have yet to sleep a solid night since, we are constantly cleaning up accidents and you can hardly use the bathroom in peace! I have truly loved every minute of it although there are times that may seem “hard love.”

This past Christmas was definitely a memorable one for our family. We had to learn to deal with grief of a loved one, spending their Christmas watching over us instead of here with us. We learned to love of a puppy, so sweet, so innocent and thankfully so forgiving. We enjoyed a white Christmas to remind us that thankfully, we are not in charge after all.
I hope the New Year brings everyone lots of love, happiness and many, many blessings.
P.S. I’ll do my best to be more of a regular blogger!
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