The cat is out of the bag now especially since “As the Facebook World Turns” knows about it. We are having a baby!!! It has been a long first few weeks, but I am excited to be able to say the first trimester is officially over! There’s so much to say when I begin to think about the excitement, nerves, and everything else that goes along with bringing a child into this world. The next 6 months will be a roller coaster like no other but we are ready. And yes, I can say that with confidence that WE are ready, not just me. <3MY LOVE<3 and I are both ready to be parents (or as far as know we think we are!), and to experience the love that is like no other. I’m sure there will be many restless nights to come, more mornings of sickness before it’s over and many more unknown obstacles. It will be the ride of our lives and one that we will hopefully look back on years down the road and say who would have known.
When you share such a secret with loved ones, friends, and co-workers and so forth, you get the dictionary of emotions, looks, and questions. From my mother, “What did you say?” From my sister, “Are you kidding?” From my in-laws, “We’re going to be grandparents!” But from others, you can keep your true feelings to yourself. One of the worst remarks was from a single (and childless), middle aged man. He very bluntly said, “I don’t know why anyone would want to bring a child into this world the way the times are now.” That was one of the many times that I had to restrain from letting my crazy, raging hormones ring his neck. But until you experience the feeling of knowing you are going to be someone’s parent, caretaker, provider, and possibly their hero, you can’t expect a lazy, single, grumpy, old man to understand anything you are going through! What was I thinking, he wasn’t even worthy of hearing our great news!
So here is the official news flash on my blog. I’m not promising to be more prompt on here because it never happens unfortunately. But I can give you this, I’ll try!
Until next time, bring on the food!
Thursday, April 21
Monday, February 14
"I have all I need at home!"
I was delivered the best Valentine's present on last Thursday. <3MY LOVE<3 and I were having the same discussion many others probably had last week... "What do you want for Valentine's day?" I was asking the questions this particular night (only because my present had already been purchased---a new pocketbook) and I received the response that is one I will NEVER forget. <3MY LOVE<3 responded to my question with just that: "I have all I need at home, I don't need a thing. I have a warm place to sleep, clothes and food to eat, and I come home to you every day, that's enough." OMG! Yes, this is a true story, just ask him yourself if you have doubts. This man that I married almost 2 years ago, that is rarely the romantic, sappy lover boy has professed his unending love to me-- face to face even after two years of marriage to me!!!
Yes, ladies... EAT YOUR HEART OUT! If you have this kind of love you truly have a special gift that is not found in ANY store.
I LOVE YOU SWEETIE! You have given me all I truly need as well.
Yes, ladies... EAT YOUR HEART OUT! If you have this kind of love you truly have a special gift that is not found in ANY store.
I LOVE YOU SWEETIE! You have given me all I truly need as well.
Thursday, February 3
Mind your own bees wax!
Yes, I said mind your own bees wax. What is the world coming to that we all can’t live our own lives, tend to our responsibilities, you feed your dogs & I’ll feed mine kind of stuff? If you have enough time to worry about what others are doing then you should most likely take a glance in the mirror, you may find your own flaws are more noticeable than you thought. I know I am no saint myself but as I mature I try to think twice before judging others, before pointing out someone else’s honest mistakes. I’ve heard it said before that someone who is always quick to point out someone else’s mistakes is trying to take attention off of their own. Our world is such a nosey place. If your neighbor has a different car in the driveway one day it makes you wonder, who is it? Why do we honestly care what other people have going on when it’s truly none of our bees wax to begin with?? If you choose to engage in adult activities (perfectly good example: having drinks with friend) then you should be able to without having someone criticize you for it. I know my husband says it ALL the time that Facebook is the devil and it has blown up so many situations since it came about. But that’s because of the way certain people have chosen to make it. For those of us that enjoy keeping up with family and friends that we wouldn’t normally have daily contact with, it’s not the devil. For the people that thrive off the next thing somebody post, pick up the phone and say OMG! Guess what they just posted! (Yes, I am not completely innocent myself, but I try to save those moments for the good gossip!) It’s turned into breeding grounds for trouble for some people and it’s killed the entire of idea of people wanting to stay in touch or reconnect with old friends. I have voiced my opinions before and you all know that I love being JUST ME. I don’t want anyone to be like me especially when I strive to be oppositely different from others. (Mom-I think oppositely is truly a word.) If you can’t live your life the way you want to without fearing how someone else will evaluate your every move than there’s really something wrong with our lifestyles.
Moral of the story: Live you life to the fullest. Make yourself happy and think twice before you call someone else out unless you find that you yourself are perfect. (And if that’s the case, WAKE UP because you are definitely dreaming!!!)
Note: (It’s your own personal choice to read my blog so if you do not like, don’t come back-no sleep lost here.)
Moral of the story: Live you life to the fullest. Make yourself happy and think twice before you call someone else out unless you find that you yourself are perfect. (And if that’s the case, WAKE UP because you are definitely dreaming!!!)
Note: (It’s your own personal choice to read my blog so if you do not like, don’t come back-no sleep lost here.)
Wednesday, January 19
Back again!
Here I am back again twice in the same month. Watch out people this could be dangerous! I know you have all been eagerly checking in each day to see if I have come through with great words of wisdom, right? You are too great, for those that have been! HA HA If you can’t tell or don’t know me very well then you are truly missing out on great humor! I’ve been told many times that people never know what I will say next. This brings me to my topic of discussion for today… You get what you see, no hidden secrets!
Like me or not it, everybody will tell you that with me there is no secret alter ego hiding deep inside waiting to pounce on you at any given time, you see what you get from the very beginning. I know from experience that this behavior has not always turned out to be the best approach to all situations, but the majority of the time it prevails. Ask me a question and I will tell you the answer, the truth, my opinion, whatever you want to call it but you will get what you were looking for. If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have asked me to begin with because you are going to get the truthful answer, like or not. The world has turned into so many people trying to please other people that get so far away from their own views in efforts to please someone else. How can you truly make yourself happy if you are always trying to please others? Truthfully, some would say that if you are pleasing others you yourself should be happy, however, that isn’t always easy to swallow, at least for me anyways. Much easier to swallow is the statement “if you want to be happy you have to make yourself happy, not depend on someone else,” however, that’s on the fence of sounding selfishness. If we all sing the truth more often then everyone would be much happier. I’m not telling you a lie people, coming from someone who knows the great feeling of well here it is, the honest truth.
Moral of the story: Be yourself, the real you. If you’re true to yourself and your opinions, people will appreciate the person you are because they will always know what to expect.
On a lighter note…. A sad day is approaching on Jan. 24th. A baby boy, born 10 weeks early (scaring us all half to death)… weighing only a small 3 lbs when he was born… has brought so much enjoyment to our family… TURNS 5 YEARS OLD!!!!! The past 5 years has flown by and it makes me so sad to know he is growing up so fast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY (BIG) BOY, WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!
Like me or not it, everybody will tell you that with me there is no secret alter ego hiding deep inside waiting to pounce on you at any given time, you see what you get from the very beginning. I know from experience that this behavior has not always turned out to be the best approach to all situations, but the majority of the time it prevails. Ask me a question and I will tell you the answer, the truth, my opinion, whatever you want to call it but you will get what you were looking for. If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have asked me to begin with because you are going to get the truthful answer, like or not. The world has turned into so many people trying to please other people that get so far away from their own views in efforts to please someone else. How can you truly make yourself happy if you are always trying to please others? Truthfully, some would say that if you are pleasing others you yourself should be happy, however, that isn’t always easy to swallow, at least for me anyways. Much easier to swallow is the statement “if you want to be happy you have to make yourself happy, not depend on someone else,” however, that’s on the fence of sounding selfishness. If we all sing the truth more often then everyone would be much happier. I’m not telling you a lie people, coming from someone who knows the great feeling of well here it is, the honest truth.
Moral of the story: Be yourself, the real you. If you’re true to yourself and your opinions, people will appreciate the person you are because they will always know what to expect.
On a lighter note…. A sad day is approaching on Jan. 24th. A baby boy, born 10 weeks early (scaring us all half to death)… weighing only a small 3 lbs when he was born… has brought so much enjoyment to our family… TURNS 5 YEARS OLD!!!!! The past 5 years has flown by and it makes me so sad to know he is growing up so fast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY (BIG) BOY, WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!

Tuesday, January 11
WHOA! It's been quite awhile...
It’s been to long since I’ve been around these parts. I’m sorry to keep you all in suspense but I just can’t manage to devote time each day to blog like my fellow bloggers. It seems so easy, but believe me, it’s not!
Since we were last together, life has handed <3MY LOVE<3 and me some life changes to deal with. November started off slow bringing in the Holiday season. It’s not a time <3MY LOVE<3 likes to remember because he lost his Gran Nancy at the beginning of November just a year ago. He loved her dearly and she is truly missed. As we began to prepare for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season to roll in to town, he was struck again with bad news. His Nannie was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized for two weeks. On Sunday night before Thanksgiving, we received a phone call from <3MY LOVE<3’s father that they found his Papa had passed away. <3MY LOVE<3, well to be honest; will forever be saddened with the loss of his Papa. I have truly dreaded that day as long as we have been together. His Papa was a great man and has been his best friend and role model all of his life. 2010 Thanksgiving was a sad one to say the least with the loss of his Papa and his Nannie being in the hospital during such a time.
December had to bring more happiness than November and it ended up that it did. One week before Christmas, <3MY LOVE<3 tells me that his dad is getting a puppy, a miniature dachshund to be exact, just the exact same kind of dog that I have been wanting for quite some time lately. The story is rather comical now, but within 20-30 minutes of me finding out his dad was getting something near to my heart, <3MY LOVE<3 was making arrangements to pick up my Christmas present, the brother to their dog. I was happier than a kid in a candy story! It was on a Monday, and to say that the week crawled by is an understatement. On the Friday before Christmas, we left straight from work to pick up our Cooper! Our lives truly have not been the same since we picked him that afternoon. It’s amazing how much a puppy compares to a baby. We have yet to sleep a solid night since, we are constantly cleaning up accidents and you can hardly use the bathroom in peace! I have truly loved every minute of it although there are times that may seem “hard love.”

This past Christmas was definitely a memorable one for our family. We had to learn to deal with grief of a loved one, spending their Christmas watching over us instead of here with us. We learned to love of a puppy, so sweet, so innocent and thankfully so forgiving. We enjoyed a white Christmas to remind us that thankfully, we are not in charge after all.
I hope the New Year brings everyone lots of love, happiness and many, many blessings.
P.S. I’ll do my best to be more of a regular blogger!
Since we were last together, life has handed <3MY LOVE<3 and me some life changes to deal with. November started off slow bringing in the Holiday season. It’s not a time <3MY LOVE<3 likes to remember because he lost his Gran Nancy at the beginning of November just a year ago. He loved her dearly and she is truly missed. As we began to prepare for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season to roll in to town, he was struck again with bad news. His Nannie was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hospitalized for two weeks. On Sunday night before Thanksgiving, we received a phone call from <3MY LOVE<3’s father that they found his Papa had passed away. <3MY LOVE<3, well to be honest; will forever be saddened with the loss of his Papa. I have truly dreaded that day as long as we have been together. His Papa was a great man and has been his best friend and role model all of his life. 2010 Thanksgiving was a sad one to say the least with the loss of his Papa and his Nannie being in the hospital during such a time.
December had to bring more happiness than November and it ended up that it did. One week before Christmas, <3MY LOVE<3 tells me that his dad is getting a puppy, a miniature dachshund to be exact, just the exact same kind of dog that I have been wanting for quite some time lately. The story is rather comical now, but within 20-30 minutes of me finding out his dad was getting something near to my heart, <3MY LOVE<3 was making arrangements to pick up my Christmas present, the brother to their dog. I was happier than a kid in a candy story! It was on a Monday, and to say that the week crawled by is an understatement. On the Friday before Christmas, we left straight from work to pick up our Cooper! Our lives truly have not been the same since we picked him that afternoon. It’s amazing how much a puppy compares to a baby. We have yet to sleep a solid night since, we are constantly cleaning up accidents and you can hardly use the bathroom in peace! I have truly loved every minute of it although there are times that may seem “hard love.”

This past Christmas was definitely a memorable one for our family. We had to learn to deal with grief of a loved one, spending their Christmas watching over us instead of here with us. We learned to love of a puppy, so sweet, so innocent and thankfully so forgiving. We enjoyed a white Christmas to remind us that thankfully, we are not in charge after all.
I hope the New Year brings everyone lots of love, happiness and many, many blessings.
P.S. I’ll do my best to be more of a regular blogger!
Wednesday, September 29
WHOA! Now this will be good reading Ladies!
It’s to no surprise that we have all encountered a time where our actions, trends, or just smoking hot looks are replicated by someone else. What is the appropriate response when someone thinks enough of you to want to be just like you? I have tried my entire life to be different from the norm. From not playing sports growing up (and yes… they took to much of my playtime!), to wearing high heels at the early age of 8 or 9 to a high school basketball game (thanks a lot for the embarrassment Cori!), to carrying bright red lipstick and someone else’s old bank account checks in my pocketbooks in case if emergencies (thanks Koontz’), to driving a purple truck when I turned 16… I am a very unique, one of a kind person. I’ve often been told that it is flattery that makes someone want to copy you, but that is hard for me to put my mind around. Why in the world would someone want to be copy someone else when it’s so much fun to be completely different? I still as an adult do not understand why, but I center that energy towards being even more of a unique individual-completely different from A-N-Y-O-N-E else!!!
Perfect but very spooky example of just how pathetic people can really be when trying to replicate someone else’s life styles. I will give you the short version, but take time to read the entire post on MODG (Martinis or Diaper Genies – yes, she has become famous enough that you can Google that title and it will be the first URL listed… how cool!) I’m sure after this short spill you will most definitely have to check it out! MODG has an open blog where anyone reading can comment on her blog. She does bluntly put herself out there, but hey all of us bloggers know the territory that comes with each post and it’s contents, so Mom don’t give me the spill that she knew it could happen. I’m telling you this is EXTREME case. She blogs today (Wednesday, Sept 29th) about why she doesn’t ever discuss her wedding details in her daily blogs. She goes into much more detail (that I will not repeat here, because her word for word is much better than my paraphrase could be… stop right now, open a new browser and go read her blog-it will make much more sense if you do!) but she had a blog follower to almost completely mirror her own wedding, down to the dress, cake, fur shawl, and even her jewelry. The pictures that are on this particular blog post have been slightly altered due to in-depth email discussion with the “copy-cat bride,” even after she blacked that crazy’s face out the copy-cat picures. SIDE NOTE: Blacking her face out was SUPER nice and to go back and take them down is beyond being nice. I will give you the details that the first picture of MODG’s wedding was replicated with the crazy bride’s people standing in front of the same window, same trees, and IDENTICAL DRESS. The pictures that were so similar you couldn’t tell they were at different weddings were the reception room picture and the favor table picture. Crazy bride went as far as to have the same white fur shawl, same bracelet and even the same cake design. Now if that isn’t borderline psycho, then call me crazy.
It just goes to show that some people think you are being silly when you point out that someone else was copying their trends, actions, or smoking hot looks. MODG’s post proves that such flattery is not always something to over look.
Perfect but very spooky example of just how pathetic people can really be when trying to replicate someone else’s life styles. I will give you the short version, but take time to read the entire post on MODG (Martinis or Diaper Genies – yes, she has become famous enough that you can Google that title and it will be the first URL listed… how cool!) I’m sure after this short spill you will most definitely have to check it out! MODG has an open blog where anyone reading can comment on her blog. She does bluntly put herself out there, but hey all of us bloggers know the territory that comes with each post and it’s contents, so Mom don’t give me the spill that she knew it could happen. I’m telling you this is EXTREME case. She blogs today (Wednesday, Sept 29th) about why she doesn’t ever discuss her wedding details in her daily blogs. She goes into much more detail (that I will not repeat here, because her word for word is much better than my paraphrase could be… stop right now, open a new browser and go read her blog-it will make much more sense if you do!) but she had a blog follower to almost completely mirror her own wedding, down to the dress, cake, fur shawl, and even her jewelry. The pictures that are on this particular blog post have been slightly altered due to in-depth email discussion with the “copy-cat bride,” even after she blacked that crazy’s face out the copy-cat picures. SIDE NOTE: Blacking her face out was SUPER nice and to go back and take them down is beyond being nice. I will give you the details that the first picture of MODG’s wedding was replicated with the crazy bride’s people standing in front of the same window, same trees, and IDENTICAL DRESS. The pictures that were so similar you couldn’t tell they were at different weddings were the reception room picture and the favor table picture. Crazy bride went as far as to have the same white fur shawl, same bracelet and even the same cake design. Now if that isn’t borderline psycho, then call me crazy.
It just goes to show that some people think you are being silly when you point out that someone else was copying their trends, actions, or smoking hot looks. MODG’s post proves that such flattery is not always something to over look.
Tuesday, September 14
"You reap what you sow"
Stay with me in this post, it all relates brings you back to the old saying: “You reap what you sow”
It's so easy to point fingers at others when you think they are in the wrong, but if you stop long enough to think about it, you have been in that same exact wrong before yourself. I know all too often I am quick to call someone out for holding a grudge, over stepping their boundaries, or falling out of line but it only takes a short time for me to realize I was too in the wrong. Although a three year grudge is a little excessive (example from true craziness) in the scheme of things, it’s the reality that someone else’s wrong doings do not make yours right. Next time you find yourself in this situation (and it’s not if it will happen, but when), think to yourself what if the tables were turned.
Pick your friends wisely and make sure they are worth the title of a true friend. I try to be a very outgoing person and I wear this on my shoulders, especially the older I get. I have often found myself asking “Why didn’t you make more of an effort to introduce yourself or get to know that person?” I believe that people come in to your life for a reason and what if I do something to mess up the reasoning of a higher power (yours may be whoever you choose to worship, by mine is non-other than G-O-D). I have experienced relationships with people I thought would be lifetime friends and for someone else’s reasoning they turned out to be a part of my past. True friends are one’s that will talk about you behind your back, but have the nerve to also tell you to your face in hopes to see you become a better person. They will always be there through thick and thin to pick you up when you fall. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting 5 girlfriends from high school for dinner. A few of us out of a group of six have kept in touch since high school but it was true delight that after 7 years (OMG I didn’t realize it had been that long) that true friends were able to make time to catch up and still enjoy each others company like we used to. True friends are those that stick together until the end and that is what I have in those 5 women. Be thankful for the true friends in life and those that are simply acquaintances well I haven't found a good way to deal with those yet. I'm still following the old saying “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Back to the real life scoop:
Yes, I’m still alive and kicking. To be honest I have been trying to do as I state above and “reap what I sow.” I have realized that my husband and me spend way too much time checking around on the internet for stuff that is doing nothing more than interring with time that we should be enjoying one another’s company. So… I try to limit my time on the internet in the evenings. I know, just an excuse for leaving all of my FABULOUS followers without their “strong shot of honesty”, but “that is my story and I’m sticking to it.” LOVE IT that I just got 2 of Reba’s famous song lyrics in one sentence!!! LOVE ME SOME REBA:) It has been most “la misma mierda de siempre” (look it up… it’s Spanish) my way, loving life and enjoying the fall weather. Bring on the leaves, the cooler temperatures, the festivals, and THE FAIR (I LOVE TO EAT and the fair is the best place to go for that!)
I know I always promise to not let it be so long until I grace you with my expertise again, but I will give it a BIG EFFORT!!! (how is that?!)
It's so easy to point fingers at others when you think they are in the wrong, but if you stop long enough to think about it, you have been in that same exact wrong before yourself. I know all too often I am quick to call someone out for holding a grudge, over stepping their boundaries, or falling out of line but it only takes a short time for me to realize I was too in the wrong. Although a three year grudge is a little excessive (example from true craziness) in the scheme of things, it’s the reality that someone else’s wrong doings do not make yours right. Next time you find yourself in this situation (and it’s not if it will happen, but when), think to yourself what if the tables were turned.
Pick your friends wisely and make sure they are worth the title of a true friend. I try to be a very outgoing person and I wear this on my shoulders, especially the older I get. I have often found myself asking “Why didn’t you make more of an effort to introduce yourself or get to know that person?” I believe that people come in to your life for a reason and what if I do something to mess up the reasoning of a higher power (yours may be whoever you choose to worship, by mine is non-other than G-O-D). I have experienced relationships with people I thought would be lifetime friends and for someone else’s reasoning they turned out to be a part of my past. True friends are one’s that will talk about you behind your back, but have the nerve to also tell you to your face in hopes to see you become a better person. They will always be there through thick and thin to pick you up when you fall. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting 5 girlfriends from high school for dinner. A few of us out of a group of six have kept in touch since high school but it was true delight that after 7 years (OMG I didn’t realize it had been that long) that true friends were able to make time to catch up and still enjoy each others company like we used to. True friends are those that stick together until the end and that is what I have in those 5 women. Be thankful for the true friends in life and those that are simply acquaintances well I haven't found a good way to deal with those yet. I'm still following the old saying “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Back to the real life scoop:
Yes, I’m still alive and kicking. To be honest I have been trying to do as I state above and “reap what I sow.” I have realized that my husband and me spend way too much time checking around on the internet for stuff that is doing nothing more than interring with time that we should be enjoying one another’s company. So… I try to limit my time on the internet in the evenings. I know, just an excuse for leaving all of my FABULOUS followers without their “strong shot of honesty”, but “that is my story and I’m sticking to it.” LOVE IT that I just got 2 of Reba’s famous song lyrics in one sentence!!! LOVE ME SOME REBA:) It has been most “la misma mierda de siempre” (look it up… it’s Spanish) my way, loving life and enjoying the fall weather. Bring on the leaves, the cooler temperatures, the festivals, and THE FAIR (I LOVE TO EAT and the fair is the best place to go for that!)
I know I always promise to not let it be so long until I grace you with my expertise again, but I will give it a BIG EFFORT!!! (how is that?!)